Still troubled by repetitive questions from customers?

Deliver personalized experiences with our AI-driven chatbot solutions to save your treasure time!!!


Reply Clients

Effortlessly engage with your clients around the clock, providing instant, reliable responses to their inquiries for wonderful customers experience.

Schedule for clients

Simplify appointment booking and management, allowing to schedule meetings or services at their convenience.

Get to Know clients

Our AI chatbot collects and analyzes customer interactions, enabling personalized service and deeper customer insights.

Supported by renowned investors and
organizations in Hong Kong

Automate all of business operations

Customizable Chatbots- Tailor your bot to meet specific business needs
24/7 Availability- Ensure your customers have support whenever they need it.
One interface to monitor all

Save Your Time

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6 Key Features

Easy set up

Simplify implementation with effortless setup, saving time and resources for swift deployment

Advanced Chat bot

Understanding your question clearly. Enhance customer experience with a chatbot that accurately comprehends inquiries

Extended function

ZooAI offers diverse extended functionalities to enhance your business operations, including CRM, booking system and so on.

Multi platform support

ZooAI provide diversemanagement system to assist clients in better managing their businesses

Affordable price

ZooAI provide an affordable AI chatbot for SMEs and solo entrepreneurs.

>80 language support

Expand global reach and inclusivity with support for over 80 languages

Try your first month free trial NOW!

With a simple setup, you can instantly have a professional sales chatbot customized specifically for your business!